Sunday, March 1, 2009


choice [chois] – noun
1. an act or instance of choosing; selection.

This is an easy one, boys and girls. Just sit back, relax, and allow Mr. Sin to pontificate upon the meaning of choice and what it can mean to you.

Choice is a funny thing. People are always choosing between this and that, some have lots of choices and some have none at all. What's strikes me as funniest is what the bible has to say about choice. I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but I believe the general jist of it is that God gave man the freedom to chose between sin and worshiping Him. (I'm not a big bible person, so if I'm wrong, please comment below and I'll make the necessary corrections, both to this post and my way of thinking.)

Here's my take on the whole choice thing: Everyone always has a choice. Do I go left or right? What do I have for dinner? Who do I vote for? Do I go to war with this country that has attacked mine?

The problem with choice is that there are always consequences. Remember that class, it'll be on the test. Sometimes the consequences are easy to see. Sometime, not so easy. Sometimes the consequences are so far reaching that they are beyond the scope of our limited perceptions. Take the greenhouse problem that we may be facing now (I say may because the jury is still out on that one). Our forefathers, and mothers, didn't know that burning all those fossil fuels would lead to a problem. But here we are, years later, facing the consequences of their choice.

Consequences play a big part in whether a person feels they have a choice or not. When a person is unwilling to accept the consequences, they often believe that they don't have a choice. They feel they are being forced to do something. Which begs the question, if God doesn't think He can force you to worship Him, why do people think a lowly human can force them to do something?

So, for all of you out there who have been or currently are faced with a tough decision, know that the choice is yours. It always has been. No one and nothing has or can force you to do anything.

- From The Dictionary of Mr. Sin

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